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The Thousand Mile Journey, LLC offers various services designed to provide the most effective, personalized care for every client, no matter what mental health condition they struggle with. Our focus is to get you the help you need as quickly as possible by offering appointments in our office or online. We understand the most difficult times dealing with mental health challenges are unpredictable. We provide regular virtual calls with unlimited online messaging. We want to make sure you always have access to a provider that knows you best to ensure you get the care you need when you need it.

A Man with the paper in hand

Our Medical Services

Whether you have insurance or not, we want to provide the medical help and treatment you need. Our services are considered “medically necessary” and should be covered by your insurance. If you are without insurance, please get in touch with us to discuss your options. We offer evidence-based treatment that may include prescribed medications. Our services include:

  • Individual adult counseling
  • Alcohol and other drug abuse counseling
  • Medication management
  • Life coaching for specific issues
  • Weight Loss Therapy

Comprehensive Counseling and Care for Mental Illnesses

After being diagnosed with a mental health problem, you may feel alone and scared and wonder who you can turn to for information and help. You’ll find both with our compassionate team. We counsel patients to ensure they understand what their diagnosis means, how it may make them feel, and what they can do to improve their lives while discussing treatment options and additional resources for support.


Learn how to maintain control over your anger and remain calm. Outward expressions of anger can harm your relationships. We discuss what anger is and how to deal with it in a constructive and healthy way.

Anxiety and Panic Attacks

If you experience intense fear and bodily discomfort that makes you feel confused and shaken, you could have anxiety or be suffering a panic attack. We will look for causes and discuss tips to help yourself and treatment and support options.

Bipolar Disorder

This used to be called manic depression. It involves extreme mood swings that range from very high to very low. Different treatments are available, but we also work with clients to help them manage these swings and discuss ways friends and family can cope.

Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)

This leads people to obsess over bodily appearance. The issue can be minor or imagined, but it can consume them for hours and lead to cosmetic changes, procedures, or excessive exercise to change it. Learn how to help yourself and find a treatment that is right for you.

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

Patients with BDP might experience emotional instability, feelings of worthlessness, insecurity, impulsivity, or impaired social relationships. We can discuss treatments that might include talk therapy or medication.


Many people experience a persistently depressed mood that causes a loss of interest in activities that majorly impact daily life. It can interrupt sleep, appetite, energy levels, concentration, and self-esteem. Treatment might involve talk therapy or medication.

Dissociation and Dissociative Disorders

These usually develop after a traumatic experience to keep bad memories suppressed. There's no cohesion in thoughts, memories, actions, and identity that leads to involuntary and unhealthy behavior to escape reality. Talk therapy and medication are common treatments.

Recreational Drugs & Alcohol Use

Recreational use of drugs and alcohol can negatively impact mental health. It can cause additional issues for those who have already been diagnosed with a mental illness. We discuss these impacts with clients and include suggestions for extra support.

Eating Problems

Too much focus on body shape, weight, and food can lead to various eating disorders. These eating problems not only cause nutrition issues but can lead to issues with the heart, digestive system, bones, teeth, and mouth. We will discuss causes, treatments, and how friends and family can help.

Hearing Voices

A person who hears voices often suffers from another condition such as stress, anxiety, depression, or may have had a traumatic experience. We can help explain what hearing voices is like, how the patient can manage it, and how friends and family can offer support.


When a person feels the need to save every item, the thought of discarding something can cause considerable distress to the point where they have to keep everything. We can discuss treatment options, including self-help tips and guidance for family members and friends.

Hypomania and Mania

These conditions cause over-active and excited behavior that impacts functioning in daily life. Hypomania is milder and only lasts a few days, but mania can last for a week or more. Medical treatment can include psychotherapy, antipsychotics, and mood-stabilizing drugs.


This is a common condition that many people experience. Learning how to deal with it is an important life skill. We will offer practical suggestions for coping with loneliness and additional support options.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Patients with chronic and long-lasting uncontrollable urges or obsessions to complete and repeat certain behaviors or tasks over and over are diagnosed with OCD. We will discuss the causes, available treatments, and additional support options.


If you experience the inability to reason or attribute meaning to ordinary things, you may be experiencing paranoia. Severe cases can hinder day-to-day function and negatively impact the quality of life. We will discuss possible causes and ways to cope, including helpful tips for family and friends.

Personality Disorders

There are various personality disorders people can have. What's common in all of them is that they affect a person's way of thinking, responding emotionally, relating to other people, or controlling their behavior within what society defines as normal. We offer access to treatment and support.


When a person experiences a panic attack or negative experience in certain situations, it can result in a phobia. We will discuss possible causes of your phobia as well as treatment and support options. We also offer guidance for friends and family members.

Postnatal Depression and Perinatal Mental Health

We work with patients on various mental health disorders that can form after pregnancy. Issues can develop right after birth or as much as a year later. Learn about causes and options for treatment and support.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Witnessing or experiencing a traumatic event can lead to PTSD, bringing back disturbing memories that trigger emotional and physical trauma. We take time to explain the condition and offer treatment and support options for patients.

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)

Patients with PMDD experience extreme mood shifts that cause sadness, hopelessness, anger, and irritability. We'll discuss issues surrounding a diagnosis and self-care and treatment options.


Disruptions in a person's thoughts or perceptions making it difficult for them to tell the difference between what is real and what isn't can make daily life and keeping relationships difficult. We discuss possible causes as well as outline treatment plans and self-help tips.

Schizoaffective Disorder

This complex mental illness combines traits of both schizophrenia and mood disorders, such as depression. Patients can experience symptoms together or at separate times. Treatment programs involve self-help advice and other supportive treatments and guidance.


Schizophrenia causes people to have thoughts or experiences that are out of touch with reality. It can lead to disorganized speech, erratic behavior, and skipping out on daily activities. The exact causes aren't entirely known, but we can offer treatment and support options to help cope.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

A lack of sunlight in late fall through winter can bring on fatigue, depression, and social withdrawal. People can have difficulty coping with daily responsibility when these symptoms become severe. We offer treatment and support to manage these feelings.


Low self-esteem makes people feel incompetent, unloved, or unworthy. Learning how to increase self-esteem is a helpful tool we teach to assist patients in overcoming these feelings and struggles.


Patients with difficulty managing moods or emotional pain sometimes turn to self-inflicted pain to cope. This can include head-banging, scratching, cutting, burning, and other forms of self-harm. We offer tools for treatment, resources for support, and discuss the causes of these feelings.

Sleep Problems

Insomnia and other sleep problems make it difficult to function and stay alert during the day for essential responsibilities, such as work or school. We discuss the root causes of these problems and provide advice and suggestions on what you can do to overcome sleeping problems.


Understanding what stress is, what might cause it, and how it affects you is a critical step in managing it. We offer practical information about ways you can help yourself and where to get support.

Suicidal Feelings

Suicidal feelings are brought on by many different reasons, and various resources are available to help people in times of crisis. We will discuss causes and ways to cope with these feelings and ensure you have the resources to get help when you need it.

Tardive Dyskinesia

This condition is a side effect of long-term antipsychotic drugs used to treat psychiatric illnesses. It causes involuntary twitching, such as grimacing or eye blinking. If you have this condition due to the medications you've been prescribed, we can discuss the reasons for it and offer advice on how to manage it.


Trauma is a natural response for individuals who have experienced a terrible event, such as an accident, a violent attack, or a natural disaster. Levels of trauma vary among people, and some events are more traumatic than others. We will explain how you can help yourself and overcome barriers to get proper support.

Weight Loss Therapy

My weight loss therapy offers improvements in weight-related areas of physical function through behavioral modification and improvement in self-esteem.

Speak to a Professional About Mental Health Services

If you’ve been diagnosed with a mental health condition, experience any symptoms, or just need someone to talk to, contact us at The Thousand Mile Journey, LLC in Milwaukee, WI. We offer caring and compassionate support and mental health treatments to help you and your family cope during difficult times. Contact us to schedule an appointment today.

Facilitating Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Wellness