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About Our Practice

The Thousand Mile Journey, LLC is a private practice health clinic in Milwaukee, WI specializing in working with patients who struggle with anxiety, depression, insomnia, low self-esteem, confidence, and trauma affecting their well-being and physical health. We focus on an integrative approach to help patients better understand the connection between thought patterns, emotions, past traumatic experiences, and chronic physical health problems. We offer care in a calm and nonjudgemental way, letting wisdom guide patients using their inner compass to find self-acceptance, forgiveness, and strength to heal.

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Meet Ania Person

Ania Person is a family nurse practitioner with more than 30 years of experience providing care to patients of all ages struggling with mental and physical health problems. After years of working with major corporations, such as Kohl’s, Walgreens, and Bucyrus, she opened her own practice. She has dedicated her career to offering a custom-tailored approach to help clients discover their own journey of health through mind, body, and spirit. She is supportive of women and minorities because she understands they are the most vulnerable members of society and the mental health challenges that come with that.

Women is smiling

An Empathetic and Passionate Health Professional

Patients of Ania Person describe her as a warm, empathetic, and genuine nurse practitioner fully committed to working one-on-one with patients to determine the root of the problem causing their illness. Her mission is to help each individual find wellness by directing them on a path toward health, hope, and a brighter future in personal, professional, and academic life. Don’t let physical and mental blocks keep you from living the life you want. Working together, you and Ania will prioritize your well-being and discover the inner strength that will guide you to believe in yourself for a vibrant future.

Professional History

Ania graduated from Concordia University as a Family Nurse Practitioner with a minor in Education in 2006. In addition to her work with national corporations, she has mentored students from Concordia University, Cardinal Stritch University, and WCTC. Her professional accomplishments include:

Recipient of the International Nurses Association Worldwide Leader in Healthcare Award in 2017
Membership in the Academy of Nurse Practitioners
Member of the Wisconsin Nurses Association

Appointments, Insurance, and Payments

Our practice welcomes new patients and referrals. We are in-network with most insurance networks and accept most insurance panels because we believe you deserve high-quality healthcare without worrying about the cost. All services are considered “medically necessary” and will therefore be covered by your insurance. However, because every insurance plan is different, you may have a deductible or copay for services rendered. The average cost per visit is under $30. We will contact your insurance company directly to research your benefits and let you know what you will be responsible for paying for at each visit. We do this upfront, so there are no surprises. We submit all claims to your insurance so that you won’t be responsible. Our appointments are available in-office, online, and by phone, and we make house visits for homebound patients.

Facilitating Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Wellness